• Don’t Censor Research Databases in Utah
    If HB473 passes it will lead to more widespread censorship in our schools, the possible cancellation of contracts for vendors of research databases, and it will leave Utah's students without high quality reliable resources to support their academic success. RESEARCH DATABASES ARE SAFE - MUCH SAFER THAN THE OPEN WEB The bill is being advanced on the false premise that curated, grade-level appropriate databases are not safe for students.  This was proven untrue in 2018, when allegations were brought before the Utah Education Network (UEN), and they were unable to replicate any problematic results. UEN continued to monitor and report on appropriate use of research databases by students from 2018-2023, issuing 28 separate reports. WE HAVE STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS ALREADY IN PLACE TO THAT ADDRESS DATABASE SAFETY Students are protected by the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), a federal law that requires schools to block anything that meets the legal definition of “harmful to minors”. Likewise, in 2021, Utah passed HB38 School Technology Amendments which requires digital resources used by students to have safety policies and technology protection measures that prohibit and prevent the sending, receiving, viewing, or downloading obscene or pornographic material. Please sign this petition and then send an email to your state senator (look up your legislator here) asking them not to pass unnecessary regulations that will harm our students, and create another tangled bureaucracy. For key points, see FAQ on HB473
    486 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Let Utah Read Picture
  • I Support Utah Libraries
    I want my fellow Utahns to know that I recognize and appreciate the contributions of our libraries. I know that: • My community is a better place to live, is more fun and interesting, and is more successful because of our library. • Libraries are free and open for all and provide a wide range of information, supporting a more educated and informed community. Libraries have books that reflect all perspectives; they transcend partisan political parties and politics.  • Libraries are centers of free expression, discovery, learning, self-direction, and artistic creation. Libraries support and nurture arts and culture in our communities, providing gallery space, performance space, and maker/creative spaces for all ages and interests. • Libraries support business development and entrepreneurs, fostering prosperity, and strengthening our local and national economy. • Libraries cultivate and preserve our local history and stories, helping us make connections between our past and present, and inspiring us to see the future we can create together. • For these reasons I am proud to sign up and add my name to the list of Utahns who support strong, well-funded libraries across the state.
    803 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Let Utah Read Picture
  • Stop Punishing Utah Students for Reading!
    Legislators have continued a power grab, forcing locally elected school board members, elected by their neighbors to set educational policies, to ban hundreds of books regardless of long-standing first amendment law. Now the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) has taken it a step further. The USBE has issued guidance to schools that not only are books banned from libraries -- students are banned from bringing personal copies of books to school. A high school student in Utah with copy of Slaughterhouse Five, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Beloved, The Handmaid's Tale, The Bluest Eye, The Kite Runner, Brave New World, or Out of Darkness are now in danger of being disciplined for being in possession of -- not drugs, not weapons, not pornography -- but mainstream, well-reviewed, and even CLASSIC books. Sign and share If you agree that we need a return to common sense laws that don't punish students for reading.
    719 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Let Utah Read
  • Let Utah Read, Don't Ban Books in Utah
    Last year the Utah State legislature passed HB374 which has lead directly to books being banned in our school libraries. This hurts students and limits their ability to think for themselves, leaving them less self-reliant, and ill-prepared for success in an increasingly competitive global economy. Legislators are now suggesting that they need to pass MORE censorship laws - even ones that could lead to arresting librarians and teachers for their commitment to protecting constitutional freedoms and access to information for students. They think they are the best judge of how to parent and teach Utah kids -- and they want to take away your freedom to choose books for you and your family. We trust parents, librarians, and teachers to parent and teach, and think politicians should not be using the power of the state to restrict our freedoms and liberties just to appease loud extremists. We trust professional librarians and teachers to choose materials that support the education, development, and mental health of ALL students in accordance with state standards, local policy, and state and federal laws. Sign the petition and stand with Utahns who oppose book bans and support the freedom to read. (If you live outside of Utah, please sign this national petition: https://action.everylibrary.org/bookbans)
    624 of 1,000 Signatures
  • Stop Book Bans in Utah
    According to a recent Salt Lake Tribune article (https://www.sltrib.com/news/education/2023/10/23/we-looked-banned-books-utahs), Utah schools have banned hundreds of books in the last year. But not just any books... The top 5 banned authors are women writers who write about coming of age experiences for young adults, particularly girls. Many of these books cover topics such as sexual abuse or having a parent who is addicted to drugs. While these are difficult topics, we know that many teens experience these things, and these books give kids the language and concepts they can use to to draw safe boundaries, and to talk to trusted adults. In short, these books help keep kids safe, and help them know that they are not alone, and that there is hope. Let's tell the politicians that we trust professional librarians and teachers, who are licensed and certified by the state, to choose materials that support the education, development, and mental health of ALL students in accordance with state standards, local policy, and laws. Sign the petition and stand with the majority of Utahns who oppose harmful book bans.
    241 of 300 Signatures