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To: Metropolis Library Board of Trustees and all City, County, and State Officials

Support the Metropolis Public Library

Sign the petition to show your support for the Metropolis Public Library.

What this petition represents:
- We support the Metropolis Public Library and its mission to provide materials and programs that serve the needs and interests of all members in the community.

- We urge the Mayor and City Council to maintain full transparency in the process of local appointments. It is imperative that all decisions regarding appointments are made openly, with a clear explanation of the qualifications and rationale behind each choice. This transparency not only fosters trust within the community but also ensures that the best candidates are selected to serve the public interest, free from undue influence or favoritism.

- We trust trained library professionals to preserve and protect intellectual freedom and diversity of expression in accordance with the library’s policies for collection development and circulation.

- We believe the library is responsible for making available a wide range of information and programming that reflect its entire community, while library users are responsible for what they and their families choose to use. The library is an important resource for small business owners and provides access to valuable resources crucial to community workforce development.

- We oppose any legislation or action taken by public officials that would infringe upon the rights granted to all Americans under the Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution. This includes, but not limited to: legislation that would ban books; censor library materials, programs, or services; infringe on the privacy of library users; or make library board members, administration, staff, or users criminally liable for information access or use.

- We advocate for the complete and sustained funding of our library, recognizing its vital role as a cornerstone of community education, cultural enrichment, and public service.

Why is this important?

The Metropolis Public Library is under attack by a very vocal, small group of individuals who seek to impose their own personal agenda on others in the community.

We are deeply concerned about the extreme rhetoric increasingly directed at our public libraries. Such divisive language not only misrepresents the mission of these vital institutions but also sows discord within our community. Libraries are pillars of free expression, education, and community engagement. It is crucial that we address and counteract this harmful rhetoric to preserve the integrity of our libraries and ensure they remain safe, inclusive spaces for all members of our community.

Citizens should remain vigilant against any form of government overreach that manipulates public libraries for personal or political agendas. Libraries serve as beacons of free thought and knowledge, and their integrity must be protected from partisan influences that threaten to undermine their role as unbiased resources for the community.
Metropolis, IL, USA

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2024-09-23 15:11:58 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-04-21 09:51:29 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-04-14 01:14:41 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-04-13 13:10:51 -0400

10 signatures reached